Tag Archives: MBA

Embracing Opportunity by Belief in What’s Next

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Kevin Ile

Since my span of formal engagement with the UW-Stevens Point MBA program came to a conclusion, it’s as if I haven’t stopped realizing and therefore discussing the nearly routine life changes I’ve experienced over the last several months–job transitions, marriage and relocation to name a few. I think it’s only fair to mention that when […]


Portage County Live: MBA Program

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MBA in the News

The UW-Stevens Point MBA program was in the local spotlight on Monday, Feb. 22 as MBA director Lyna Matesi and MBA candidate Paula Erickson, HR manager at Delta Dental of Wisconsin, joined host Scott Krueger during “Portage County Live” on 92.1 WPCN.


Purpose Driven MBA – Instagram TV Series

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Instagram Live

UW-Stevens Point MBA student Quyen Hom, MBA ’21, is hosting a series on Instagram TV to discuss the power of a purpose-driven MBA. Hom, the owner of Assembly Shop, welcomes guests during each episode to discuss how the UWSP MBA program aligns with their personal and professional goals. Episode 1: Feb. 3 Leah Knights, MBA […]


Right or Wrong, but Never in Doubt

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Kevin Ile

Reality hits us all a little differently; it sneaks up on us, waits until we feel comfortable or sheltered, and when we least expect it, we’re jarred by new information (or better put, the realization we lack information others already have). If you’re anything like me–and I’m a little different–I can admit it, you find […]


Shifting Seasons

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The changing seasons have always intrigued me; our world circling the sun, the temperature rising and falling, snow drifting to the ground and disappearing from the presence of the sun and its offered heat. A concept as simple as flipping to the next page of your calendar and as complex as the circle of life: […]


MBA Candidate, Athena Nominee

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Central WI Hmong Professionals

“The ATHENA Leadership Award® is presented to an individual who displays professional excellence, community service, and actively assists women in their attainment of professional excellence and leadership skills. The ATHENA Leadership Award® was inspired by the goddess of Greek mythology known for her strength, courage, wisdom and enlightenment. The award’s rich history, international scope, and focus on […]


MBA Program Fellowship: Central Rivers Farmshed

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Farmshed Fellowship

Introducing the UW-Stevens Point MBA #FellowshipFriday feature, a new nine-part series on the first Friday of each month when MBA candidate Abby Schmidt provides an inside look on her fellowship with Central Rivers Farmshed. November 2020: Introduction Starting a fellowship with Central Rivers Farmshed put me on a team whose mission was to produce “a […]


Feedback: How Criticisms and Truths Shape What’s Next

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Kevin Ile

We’ve all experienced a memorable situation in which someone verbally expressed their opinion of our performance, our actions, or plainly, us. The effect and ramifications are obviously still present when feedback is offered non-verbally, but that picture is painted with a little less color. Specifically in a professional capacity, or more specifically, in my own […]


Economic Development: If I Could Build Wausau for the Future

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Growing up in Wausau most of my life, it took me moving to college to see the assets Wausau had. I enjoy being here and my family anchors me here, but I have seen new people move in and out of Wausau struggling to find their niche, connect with people and enjoy Wausau’s assets. Being […]


Side Effects of Learning and Expectations

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It’s hard to believe it’s been over a year since I sat in my first MBA course at UW-Stevens Point. There I sat wide-eyed and ready to soak up whatever information I could possibly take in from the dozens of strangers sharing a room with me; strangers I now call colleagues, mentors and friends. Although […]
