Tag Archives: UW-Stevens Point

Biking through Vangroovy!

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Perhaps the best part of Vancouver is being able to bike all around the city. In fact, we come in packs of like 20 bikers! It’s so different than Wisconsin. I spent the first two days on a mission. To get food and a bike! I found Chung, who is a great guy selling bikes […]



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This past week I’ve become mostly a shut in, enjoying the social aspects of being at work and enjoying my roommates company, but otherwise, I’ve preferred to be Skyping family and journaling on my own. I am overwhelmed with the amount of power I feel in my time alone, playing around with the idea of […]


Going the Distance

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Have you ever walked through the halls of the College of Professional Studies, or any other building on the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point campus, and seen all the posters for travel and study abroad opportunities? I mean, WOW, the opportunities are endless; London, New Zealand, Africa, Mexico and the list goes on! But how many […]


My Yoga Online Day ONE!

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Beginning the day with my morning walk, I began to realize what people talk about with the rain here. Rain here is a leaky faucet. Or drip coffee. It is minimal, but it doesn’t stop. Totally unlike Wisconsin’s rain where it generally is torrential down pour for maybe a few minutes, maybe even hours, but […]


Professional summer

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While summer brings upon great weather, tan lines, and travel itineraries, it also brings on a work schedule. I’d say that’s bittersweet. While it’s nice to get experience in the field your interested it and make some $$$, it also takes away your sunshine time. My goal is to manage my schedule in a way […]


Day 1 in Vancouver!

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Turns out May 20 is Victoria Day in Canada, which is a federal holiday honoring Queen Victoria on the last Monday of May every year. It also marks the first day of Canada’s summer “season”… Translation—Day off! So we’re off to a pretty good start! This worked out perfectly, so that I could settle into […]


Wow, what a journey!

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Flying out of Chicago’s O’Hare Airport at 8:20 a.m., the morning after walking for graduation? Sure, let’s do it! On May 19, my parents dropped me off at the O’Hare Airport with 2 huge suitcases, and two carry-ons. My life, in four bags. The plane took off, and it finally began to sink in that […]


Spring Commencement 2013

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The Class of 2013 walked across the stage as the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point held its commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 18 in the Health Enhancement Center. A total of 1,346 graduates from the four colleges, including the College of Professional Studies, earned associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees and clinical doctorates in audiology. [Photo Gallery] […]


Firsts and lasts

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There is a significance about firsts: a baby’s first word, a first time flying, the first day at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. According to my mom, my first word was mov, which means food in Hmong and is probably the reason why I pursued a career in both dietetics and communication. My first time […]
