MARSHFIELD, Wis. (WSAW) — Education is arguably one of the most valuable assets to a community. The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point campus in Marshfield is increasing their education opportunities. [Watch Video] And its new MBA program is proof. Lyna Matesi is an assistant professor and also the director of the MBA program. “It can be […]
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Students honored on spring 2019 CPS Dean’s List
The grades for the 2019 spring semester are in and a total of 459 students had a GPA over 3.75, including 178 with a perfect 4.0, to earn dean’s list honors at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point College of Professional Studies. Congratulations to all! Dean’s List by major (number of 4.0): Accounting: 26 (11) Athletic […]
More...Internship Expo a huge hit for School of Business and Economics
For the first time ever, every School of Business and Economics intern presented about their experience at our inaugural Internship Expo on May 7, 2019. All 43 interns shared what they learned, how they used specific courses at their internship, and how they met goals during their time. [Photo Gallery | Watch Video] The event […]
More...ROTC scholarship reaches endowment mark thanks to Reeder’s Ruck
“Alex ordered up some great weather!” He sure did as it was an awesome day for nearly 50 participants to ruck, walk and run along the Wisconsin River and through the Stevens Point Sculpture Park for the fifth annual Reeder’s Ruck on May 4, 2019. Many thanks to the dozens of UW-Stevens Point ROTC cadets and […]
More...School of Health Care Professions presents 2019 awards
The UW-Stevens Point School of Health Care Professions handed out dean’s awards and scholarships at its 2019 Awards Reception Friday, May 3 in the CPS Café. [Photo Gallery] Dean’s Awards Athletic Training Outstanding Senior: Alexandra Schanck Outstanding MSAT First Year: Abigail Goenner Clinical Laboratory Science – Medical Technology Outstanding First Year: Kristin Petkovsek Outstanding Sophomore: […]
More...UW-Stevens Point School of Education celebrates scholarship, alumni, donors
The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point celebrated teachers and future educators at the 2019 Oscar W. Neale Celebration of Teaching and Learning in the Dreyfus University Center Laird Room on Monday, April 29. [Photo Gallery] The School of Education awarded 80 awards totaling $106,530 as student award winners, alumni teachers, donors and cooperating teachers were honored […]
More...CPS students earn UW-Stevens Point Albertson Medallion
Twelve students from the College of Professional Studies are among the 16 recipients of the 2018-19 Albertson Medallion Award at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. This is the highest award given by our university; less than one percent of the graduating classes has been selected. These students are a select group of graduating seniors who […]
More...2019 School of Business and Economics Scholarship Banquet
The UW-Stevens Point School of Business and Economics handed out $85,300 in 23 scholarships to 37 students as well as multiple awards to students and faculty at its 2019 Awards Reception sponsored by Associated Bank Friday, April 26 in the Dreyfus University Center Laird Room. [Photo Album] The event also included a special presentation to […]
More...Golden Ruler Event celebrates UWSP Interior Architecture program
The UW-Stevens Point Division of Interior Architecture continued its tradition called the Golden Ruler Event: An Evening With Interior Architecture as the program recognized its 2018-19 graduates, student scholarship and award winners, donors, alumni and supporting professionals in the CPS Cafe on Friday, April 26. [Photo Album] Golden Ruler Award 2019 Recipient: Professor Emerita Mary […]
More...Through Sharing Joy, Jose Saul Vasquez earns 2019 CPS Heroes Award
While overcoming challenges of language differences and poverty, Jose Saul Vasquez has persistently worked to help others less fortunate than himself. Jose has not had an easy path to the UW-Stevens Point School of Business and Economics. Growing up in the small town of Osicala, El Salvador, Jose did odd jobs to finance the cost […]