I’m successfully into my third week of work for the summer! I was happy to come to two companies doing very well in their industries. At First Source Worldwide, LLC (FSW), I dove right back in to their web development tasks. I reviewed the websites and looked for areas of improvement. It’s funny, because even […]
More...Tag Archives: UWSP
Startin’ Summer Off Right
It’s only been two weeks since school was let out and we jumped head first into summer … but I’ve seemed to pack in a summer’s worth of festivities already! Here’s a snapshot of what I’ve been up to when I’m not working: Presque Isle Campgrounds, Porcupine Mountains, Michigan As soon as my Bus 360 […]
More...Biking through Vangroovy!
Perhaps the best part of Vancouver is being able to bike all around the city. In fact, we come in packs of like 20 bikers! It’s so different than Wisconsin. I spent the first two days on a mission. To get food and a bike! I found Chung, who is a great guy selling bikes […]
This past week I’ve become mostly a shut in, enjoying the social aspects of being at work and enjoying my roommates company, but otherwise, I’ve preferred to be Skyping family and journaling on my own. I am overwhelmed with the amount of power I feel in my time alone, playing around with the idea of […]
More...Going the Distance
Have you ever walked through the halls of the College of Professional Studies, or any other building on the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point campus, and seen all the posters for travel and study abroad opportunities? I mean, WOW, the opportunities are endless; London, New Zealand, Africa, Mexico and the list goes on! But how many […]
More...Home Sweet Home
Hola chicos! It’s hard to believe but I have already been back from my study abroad in Spain for about a week. Last Saturday I took a nine-hour flight from Madrid to Chicago and now I am back home in Madison, Wis. About a week ago I was sitting in my classroom at the University […]
More...My Yoga Online Day ONE!
Beginning the day with my morning walk, I began to realize what people talk about with the rain here. Rain here is a leaky faucet. Or drip coffee. It is minimal, but it doesn’t stop. Totally unlike Wisconsin’s rain where it generally is torrential down pour for maybe a few minutes, maybe even hours, but […]
More...Professional summer
While summer brings upon great weather, tan lines, and travel itineraries, it also brings on a work schedule. I’d say that’s bittersweet. While it’s nice to get experience in the field your interested it and make some $$$, it also takes away your sunshine time. My goal is to manage my schedule in a way […]
More...Day 1 in Vancouver!
Turns out May 20 is Victoria Day in Canada, which is a federal holiday honoring Queen Victoria on the last Monday of May every year. It also marks the first day of Canada’s summer “season”… Translation—Day off! So we’re off to a pretty good start! This worked out perfectly, so that I could settle into […]
More...Wow, what a journey!
Flying out of Chicago’s O’Hare Airport at 8:20 a.m., the morning after walking for graduation? Sure, let’s do it! On May 19, my parents dropped me off at the O’Hare Airport with 2 huge suitcases, and two carry-ons. My life, in four bags. The plane took off, and it finally began to sink in that […]