Rakin’ in the Dough

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One thing I learned while at UW-Stevens Point–and I guess not really about life–is how to apply for scholarships. I have put myself through college the last four years (plus interims!) so I had to apply to countless scholarships. I recently looked at my little Financial tab-thinger under myPoint and found I was awarded around […]


The Power of Negotiation

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“Ask for it!” That’s what author Sara Laschever told students, faculty, staff and community members as she wrapped up the week-long Portage County Business Council Business | Consumer Marketplace with an informative free lecture on the power of negotiation in at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point on Friday, March 8. [Photo Gallery] Laschever spoke to over 250 […]


Dover and Canterbury

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Last weekend, I took a day trip down to Dover and Canterbury to see some famous historical sites. The one that really caught my attention was Dover Castle. First off, it is huge! You could literally spend an entire day here and not see everything, which was a little upsetting because I only had two […]


New collection in CPS Café unites art and food

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Have you ever considered the importance of pleasing all five senses in a restaurant environment? Taste and quality of the food may be priority, but design and décor, scents and more, all play into the satisfaction of customers and the success that the food industry desires. As you walk past the CPS Café in the […]


Okray Colloquium provides career basics for future teachers

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Education students from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point got a taste of what the future holds and learned valuable career basics at the annual School of Education Okray Colloquium on Tuesday, March 5. The Okray Colloquium is an annual free event made possible by the generous support from the Okray family and offers collegiality and professional […]


Cabeza, hombros, rodillas, y pies

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A popular children’s song took a bit of a twist at “Let’s Learn Spanish” at UW-Stevens Point on Saturday, March 2. [Photo Gallery] After reviewing numbers and colors lessons from the first two weeks of the class, instructor Shayna Thomas, a Spanish education and elementary education major at UWSP, taught young children the song “Head, […]



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Hola Chicos! Feliz marzo! I hope it’s getting warmer in Wisconsin, I know it was cold and snowy all February. It has actually snowed quite a bit in Valladolid this past month. We were told it never snowed here but it’s probably snowed at least five times, although it’s always short periods on time and […]


Redesigning an Organizational Behavior

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Two faculty members from the UW-Stevens Point School of Business & Economics were honored for their paper at the 49th annual Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA) International Convention, on Friday, March 1 at the Drake Hotel in Chicago. C.R. Marshall and Lyna Matesi won the North American Management Society’s Distinguished Paper Award at the convention for […]


I Work Out

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It is almost two months after you made your New Year’s resolutions. So how are you doing with these goals? If you are like me and many others, you haven’t exactly held to these goals perfectly. Yet, what time is better than now to get a second chance at restarting those resolutions? Here are some […]


See UWSP in 3D

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Being able to virtually visit the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point campus just became a little more real thanks to the Facilities Planning office and three students. UWSP interior architecture students Lauren Hawkes and Sandra Rueda-Hernadez, along with Nick Krupp, a land use planning major, created a 3-dimensional model of UW-Stevens Point buildings in Google Earth. […]
