Two hundred educators from 35 districts and agencies around the state got a jump start on the upcoming school year by learning about new technology at the UW-Stevens Point Digital Learning JumpStart Conference on Monday, Aug. 10, sponsored by Wisconsin Technology Initiative. [Photo Gallery] The conference provided PK-12 teachers, pre-service teachers and higher education faculty with […]
More...Research Point: Dietetics students present at Wisconsin Science & Technology Symposium
by UW-Stevens Point senior dietetics major Jacob Richmond and dietetics graduates Cody Hanick ’15 and Matthew Breit ’15 “Eureka isn’t a moment, it’s a process.” This was the theme of the 8th Annual Wisconsin Science & Technology Symposium (WSTS) that we had the tremendous opportunity to attend and present our research “Effects of Post-Workout Nutritional […]
More...Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
“Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!” Only a month ago I was in Namibia teaching and playing with the learners at the School for the Visually Impaired with my fellow education students from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point School of Education. Now I found myself traveling to […]
More...HPW Internship: Zefit LLC
Overall Goal of Internship At completion of this internship, the intern will gain an excellent understanding and knowledge of how Interra Health provides a variety of health and wellness programs to employees/community-sponsored events. The intern will gain experience in behavior change facilitation including Health Risk Assessment, intervention, and reassessment, and will create promotional and marketing […]
More...Lessons and goals from London
Hola Chicos! I am officially more than half way done with my internship at Movimientos and time in London, and I’m realizing how bittersweet that is. I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experiences, but I feel I still have a lot left I would like to accomplish. For this post I thought I […]
More...Hmong Bike-Ped Community Map receives grant with help from UWSP faculty
An ethnographically-based bicycle/pedestrian activity map of Stevens Point will be funded in part by Saint Michael’s Foundation. The Hmong Bike-Ped Community Map aims to engage the Hmong community by creating a culturally relevant approach to physical activity. The collaborative efforts of Portage County Can Coalition and the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point will engage Hmong families […]
More...HPW Internship: Perfect Fit Training
HPW Student Internship Experience – Nicole Hanson 15′ During my time at Perfect Fit Training I have gained a huge appreciation for those who commit themselves to making a healthy lifestyle change. At this private one on one functional training studio I worked with clients from all walks of life. I have trained elderly clients […]
More...HPW Internship: NTS Athletic Development
HPW Student Internship Experience – Kyle Johnson 15′ Interning at NTS has been a phenomenal opportunity to challenge my abilities and skills developed from my education through Health Promotion and Wellness. Serving as a strength and conditioning intern I was able to utilize my knowledge in exercise and physiology to aid athletes in properly training […]
More...Goodbye, until we meet again
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I will miss you until we meet again. – Unknown Living in Namibia for a month was an extraordinary adventure. It is difficult to say goodbye to all the people we met while we were here, especially the learners. For the past four […]
More...UW-Stevens Point sponsors Wisconsin Reading Research Symposium
A sold-out crowd of teachers, administrators and reading specialists from around the state attended the 34th Annual Wisconsin Reading Research Symposium June 26-27 at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Convention Center in Stevens Point. [Photo Gallery] The two-day event was sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point College of Professional Studies and School of Education […]