Tag Archives: UW-Stevens Point

Travel Time

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I was very fortunate this past week because my boyfriend flew all the way from Wisconsin to Christchurch to visit me for nine days during UW-Stevens Point Spring Break. We were able to travel to all kinds of places on the South Island of New Zealand around the Christchurch area. The first place we went […]


The Tutoring-Learning Center, which I love

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Alright, so in the chronicle of my signing up for more and more things, I’ve written my love songs for my very first campus involvement, SPAFCS, and my third, the Cupboard. But the second thing I ever got involved in definitely merits mention, because it’s one of the most phenomenal campus resources for ANY STUDENT […]


Students capture athletic training quiz bowl title

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With wins at the state and district level, three students from UW-Stevens Point will represent the Great Lakes region at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association convention (NATA) in Indianapolis this June. Athletic training seniors Jon Pickos, Michael Kurek and Seth Kuhn won the Great Lakes Athletic Trainers Association (GLATA) Quiz Bowl on Friday, March 14 in […]


Urban Planning of Valladolid

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I’d like to give you a more intimate taste of Valladolid and describe to you some of the efficient urban planning features I’ve noticed over the past months. Much of the architecture, street layout, and city flow is different from what we see in the U.S., all to accompany the unique customs and history of […]


Spanish Festivals: Las Fallas

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Have you ever eaten a Valencia Orange? Not only is it a type of orange sold in the U.S. … it’s an actual place! This past weekend my train tickets took me to Valencia, Spain, a Mediterranean coastal city known for a few things: oranges, horchata, paella and Las Fallas. Las Fallas is an annual […]


To be a Hungarian…(sigh)

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If I was a Hungarian my name would be Sandor. I would be tall, dark and masculine with hairy arms and a Cro-Magnon forehead. I would smile occasionally: a repressed smile, because no matter how good things seemed there would always be this sense of impending doom–a calamity lurking around the corner. I would be […]


Health in Hungary

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Coming from UW-Stevens Point, I have acquired a relatively well-rounded outlook on wellness factors. Remember, the SPECIES model? Social, Physical, Environmental, Career, Intellectual, Emotional… Sexual? No, Spiritual! (Still got it!) I’ve been thinking about these things since arriving in Hungary, and I’ve made some observations comparing Hungary’s health to the U.S., particularly Stevens Point. Social: […]


Leaving a Legacy: Rose Petersen ’57 (1936-2014)

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Rose Petersen ’57 died peacefully Feb. 18, 2014, in the arms of her loving husband, Don, and surrounded by family. She fought the good fight for 13 years after being diagnosed with lymphoma, but in the end, was no longer able to combat the disease. Rose and Don were instrumental in the recent redesign of […]


International Women’s Day

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Hola chicos! I feel like I have been starting my most recent posts with something talking about how cold it is and then I continue to say it can’t be that much longer and soon it will be spring. I say this hoping the next time I write it will actually be warmer and begin […]
